Our Otters Turn One!
Zookeepers at Drusillas Park have been busily preparing treats, putting on party hats and pumping up balloons as they celebrate an otterly adorable first birthday…Otter quadruplets Brie, Feta, Leicester and Edam have just turned 1 years old.
The otters were born to parents Cheddar and Halloumi-Bee last year and have been delighting visitors ever since. The little family has formed a tight bond and they can be regularly seen playing, swimming, and chilling out together.
Zoo Animal Manager, Mark Kenward, said: “This is the first time we have had baby otters in years and new parents Cheddar and Halloumi-Bee have been fantastic. They have really formed a strong family unit which is great to see! They have just stepped so seamlessly into parenthood; we didn’t have to worry about them at all.”
“Cheddar and Halloumi-Bee fell in love at first sight when they were introduced just over a year ago, and they absolutely adore each other. Cheddar dotes on Halloumi-Bee and he’s very protective of her. They have been such a beautiful love story, so to see them now with a perfect family is really heart-warming. Otters mate for life, so these two are together for the long haul.”
“We just can’t believe our otter pups are 1 already! Where has the time gone? It doesn’t seem like 5 seconds ago they were the size of my hand and just squeaking away at us.”
Zookeepers made the otter pups their very own version of a birthday cake, decorated their enclosure with birthday banners and got them a very special 1st birthday balloon. The three-tiered otter cake was made from one layer of iced vegetables, one layer of iced fish guts and one layer of frozen meal worms
The fishy, wormy, veggie ice concoction might sound like the birthday cake from hell, but for otters this cake was the perfect snack.
Zoo Animal Manager, Mark Kenward, said; “The otters loved their cake! It was made by our very creative keeper Jacinta Dawe, and it really looked quite spectacular when it was all put together. The otters wolfed it down, so I’d say this was a very successful birthday treat.”
Located just off the A27 in Alfriston, Drusillas Park is open daily from 10am. For more information, please telephone 01323 874100 or visit the website www.drusillas.co.uk