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French Blind Date for Silvery Marmoset

French Blind Date for Silvery Marmoset

Sixpence the Silvery Marmoset is packing his bags and saying goodbye to his friends at Drusillas Park, East Sussex as he heads off to meet his blind date across seas in France.

Sixpence, aged 7, has yet to meet his new partner, but Keepers at Thoiry Zoo Safari in France just know it’s going to be love at first sight!

When he arrives, the pair can expect a candlelit dinner to help them bond. On the menu will be a wide variety of foods, including fruits, flowers, frogs and other insects.

Drusillas Zoo Manager, Sue Woodgate said: "Its important animal transfers take place successfully to benefit the species involved, including Silvery Marmosets.”

“We’re always sad to say goodbye to an animal leaving the zoo, but we know Sixpence is going to a fantastic new home where he will be introduced to a new female and hopefully have a family of his own.”

Silvery marmosets live in family groups of between four and eleven individuals, which tend to be comprised of one adult female, one or more adult males and young of various ages.

Usually only one female in each family group will breed, and she will generally give birth to twins twice a year. Other group members help with raising the young by carrying them and providing them with food.

The helpers may benefit from this arrangement because they get the chance to practise parenting skills, they may improve their chances of being able to breed themselves, and males may be able to get more access to the breeding female.

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