Children Enjoy a Dreamnight at Zoo in Sussex
Over 700 guests enjoyed a magical evening at the zoo on Friday (1 June) as Drusillas Park hosted their annual Dreamnight event, exclusively for chronically ill and disabled children in the region to enjoy with their families.
Dreamnight at the Zoo is a charity event which takes place around the world on the first Friday of June. Each zoo organises the evening in their own special way but in
all cases the children are welcomed as VIPs and are invited
via local hospitals, hospices and charity groups.
At Drusillas Park guests travelled to the event from throughout the South East after receiving tickets from various organisations including Demelza House, Chailey Heritage, Chestnut Tree House, Children with Cancer and The Royal Alexander Hospital. They were greeted by the Mayor and Mayoress of Lewes, Councillor Michael Chartier and Monica Chartier and the Leader of Seaford Town Council, Councillor Ian White.
Special events during the evening included a guest appearance from The Fat Controller, two live performances by students from The Theatre Workshop, creepy crawly encounters with The British Tarantula Society and volunteers from Pets As Therapy also attended with a group of their friendly four-legged friends. There were also close
animal encounters, face painting, the rare opportunity to see the
animals after hours as well as a Sausage Sizzle with food
supplied by 3663 and Nivek Catering Supplies.
The Park was decorated with contributions from The Gift & Card Co, Rare Displays and Halcyon Print Management provided a souvenir programme for the guests. Each child also received a gift, supported by a large number of generous donations.
Drusillas Park’s Managing Director Laurence Smith commented: “It’s been another fantastic evening and we hope that all our guests have enjoyed it as much as we have.”
“Everyone has volunteered their time and services to bring about this special event. We have also had a great deal of support from local businesses, suppliers and other individuals for which we are very grateful including Alfriston Heartstart, who have been incredibly supportive. We are
delighted to be able to provide this opportunity once again for
children who may not otherwise be able to visit the zoo during
our usual opening hours.”