It’s Story Time at Drusillas
It’s Story Time at Drusillas Park
Once upon a time at a zoo in East Sussex, Keepers read popular children’s books to their animals in celebration of World Book Day. The annual event is being celebrated across the world on Thursday 7th March 2019 and is designed to inspire a love of reading and books in children.
As children all over the globe are getting ready to dress up as their favourite fictional characters, Zoo Keepers at Drusillas Park got into the spirit of things, reading their animals books they just knew they would enjoy!
Drusillas’ Zoo Business Manager, Sue Woodgate, said: “Delivering our animals’ meals in imaginative and unusual ways is part of the zoo’s daily enrichment programme. This ensures they receive a varied and diverse diet, as well as encouraging them to think and work for their food rather than it just being lazily handed to them. This time we hid bits of food around the books to see if it sparked their interest in time for World Book Day!”
“We chose books which the animals could relate too. The squirrel monkeys were read ‘Monkey Puzzle’, the penguin was read ‘Blown Away’ and the sloth was read ‘Slowly, Slowly, Said the Sloth’. The Keepers really enjoyed taking time out to read to them and the animals were certainly more interested in the books than the food!”
Flash the sloth really enjoyed getting her claws onto her book, the squirrel monkeys were really into ‘Monkey Puzzle’ and Coco the donkey could relate to every page of ‘The Wonky Donkey’!
Kid the Coati made herself very comfortable on Keeper Jess’ shoulders to read the ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle.
As well as reading to their animals, Keepers at Drusillas are encouraging their visitors to pick up a book. On Thursday 7th March, Drusillas will be launching a World Book Day inspired competition to win a family ticket to the Park. Make sure you visit the Drusillas Facebook Page for details: www.facebook.com/drusillaspark