The Monkey That Couldn’t Find Love..
Last year, Drusillas Park in Alfriston sent out a lonely-hearts advert for their colobus monkey, Maarten. Poor bachelor Maarten struggled with his confidence and couldn’t seem to catch a break. He was rejected by all the ladies in his harem and was the only animal at the zoo to have never been adopted…
In a happy turn of events Maarten was adopted multiple times after receiving some media attention for his lonely heart. Clearly a little taste of fame was all he needed, and Maarten has become a brand-new man. His confidence has grown, he finally stepped up to his role as alpha and has even fathered his first child.
Keepers at Drusillas Park are proud to announce that Maarten has been at it again and has just fathered his second child (with a different female!). The bouncing bundle has been be born just in time for Valentines. How romantic.
Head Keeper, Sophie Leadbitter, said: “Oh our lovely Maarten. He was such a wet blanket when he first arrived bless him. He was too shy to approach the ladies, so they ruled the roost whilst he sat in the corner quietly doing as he was told. He even took his fair share of wallops for trying to join in. He had no adoptions and very little attention. He used to just sit there, holding his feet and looking oh so glum. We have always loved Maarten, but he was such a nervous fella that he just got walked all over.”
“How times have changed! Maarten is quite the stallion now. He has fathered not one but two babies and that’s not even to mention they are with different females! He really has stepped into his natural role as alpha and he seems to be very successfully wooing his ladies.”
Maarten first attempt at ‘wooing’ his women didn’t go so well and they firmly put him back in his place. Drusillas desperate Romeo was sent packing back to his corner following a very hard clonk on the head from female, Daisy.
But ever the Casanova, he wasn’t deterred and tried again…and again…and again… eventually Maarten succeeded and won over both his lady and his group.
Maarten and Daisy welcomed baby Yoyo last year and now Maarten and Makena have welcomed another bouncing bundle of joy.
This birth is particularly exciting because until last year Drusillas hadn’t had a baby colobus monkey for nearly 8 years, and they have had two babies in less than a year!
Head Keeper, Sophie Leadbitter, said: “It is really wonderful to have a baby colobus again! Unlike their parents, babies are totally white from head to toe.”
“Maarten is doing really well as a Dad and has been mucking in and helping out. It’s really lovely to see how much he has changed and grown – we never thought he would get a lady let alone have two babies! We are all pretty proud of him. Not such a sap anymore! Go Maarten!”
Drusillas will be launching a competition to name the new baby this Friday. The competition will be live on their Facebook page from 7:30pm on Friday 14th February. The new baby is a boy, so we’re looking for male names with a Valentines hook! One lucky winner will not only get to name the baby but will also get a family of four ticket to visit Drusillas. The competition closes at midday on Monday 17th February and the winner will be announced shortly after.
Anyone who wants to be in with a chance of winning should go to the Drusillas Facebook Page for details of how to enter www.facebook.com/drusillaspark/